The DLC plans to provide remote-only instruction until August 2021. If the risk of COVID-19 continues to diminish and local/state/federal guidelines allow, we anticipate opening our facility in a limited capacity to provide some in-person instruction starting in August/September 2021. We are committed to doing everything we can to ensure the health and safety of everyone. We are following recommendations from the CDC, NC Department of Health and Human Services, Durham County Health Department and other public health research to inform our guidelines. Thus, we will be following our own DLC guidelines, which may be more conservative than other agencies.
The DLC will encourage COVID-19 vaccination. We will promote frequent hand washing/hand sanitization. We will require mask wearing and 6 feet social distancing inside the DLC at ALL TIMES until the risk of COVID-19 is minimized.
This limited reopening will be directly informed by county-level data on total new cases and test percent positivity using the CDC’s COVID Data Tracker. We plan to start by implementing protective measures at the “Minimal to moderate community transmission” level, according to the CDC and the NC Department of Health & Human Services. We are likely to follow even more conservative recommendations than the CDC that are developed by to ensure safety and health. We will review and update our reopening plan, as well as required protective measures, weekly, and will make more immediate changes to the reopening plan as appropriate depending on the progress of the virus.
Vaccinations: The DLC encourages all staff, students, and volunteers to get a COVID-19 vaccination but will not require proof of vaccination.
Protective Measures:
Masks must be worn by all people while in the building at all times and will be provided by the DLC, if needed.
6 feet social distancing must be maintained at all times inside the DLC.
We will promote frequent hand washing/use of hand sanitizer.
Limited numbers of people will be allowed inside the DLC facility, occupancy will be based on individual rooms and the ability to maintain a 6 foot social distance between people in each space (estimated 30% occupancy for the whole facility).
All students, staff, volunteers, and visitors must sign in and sign out of the building.
Upon entering the building all students, staff, volunteers, and visitors will be screened using a health screening tool developed based on recommendations from the CDC and NC Department of Health and Human Services.
If an individual meets any criteria in the screening tool (e.g.: temperature of >100.4, confirmed exposure to COVID-19, or answers yes to other questions) they will not be able to enter the DLC or participate in in-person programs or services for 14 days.
Routine cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces and spaces will be conducted frequently.
The DLC will take steps to increase air circulation in all instructional spaces.
Only people with a pre-scheduled appointment, class, or tutoring session will be allowed onsite at the DLC.
No open computer lab or other drop-in activities.
All communal spaces will be closed.
The DLC will...
Establish an alert system and communication plan for any potential exposure onsite.
Create a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to be posted on our website.
More details about our reopening plan will be released throughout the summer. If you have any questions, please contact us.