College and Career Readiness Program

The Durham Literacy Center's College and Career Readiness program helps DLC students with jobs and additional training/college opportunities. Students can get support, knowledge and skills they need to move forward in get new or better jobs and/or vocational or higher education opportunities.
The DLC's College and Career Readiness Program is designed with student success in mind. We work with the DLC's three core programs to integrate career readiness topics into their classes. We also assist students with creating individual career or post-secondary education plans, documents, action plans, and skill building so they can take the next steps toward meeting their goals. Activities include: resume writing, interview preparation, college and employment searches, self discovery using inventories, and more! We also connect students to career opportunities and workforce development partners in the community.
UPCOMING WORKSHOPS (click title to register)
Resumes & Interviewing Wed, Feb 12 @ 6:00PM
Job Searching Wed, Feb 19 @ 6:00PM
CCR Program Staff
By appointment only & virtual can meetings arranged. Please contact