DLC graduate opening doors to higher education
Meet Durham Literacy graduate Demetria Benjamin. Demetria left school in the 10th grade due to problems at home. Without a diploma, she...
We've received a GSK IMPACT award!
DURHAM GlaxoSmithKline awarded $40,000 each to 10 Triangle nonprofit organizations Thursday for their work toward improving public...
Project LIFT: Redefining Nonprofit Collaboration
The Durham Literacy Center trains the volunteers who are providing literacy, academic skills, and life skills classes for LIFT...
An Ambition to Write a Letter
If you missed this Herald-Sun article on DLC student Julius Robinson, which was printed on August 15, 2015, here is a second chance to...
Seeing the impact of literacy
Read the story here: http://www.heraldsun.com/archive/seeing-the-impact-of-literacy/article_8226eddc-a6a5-5f35-a784-53d5489fbe8f.html