Sponsor the 17th Annual Leaders in Literacy Benefit Luncheon!

“To us, this is not just a diploma or certificate. It’s the start of a new beginning, it’s the evidence of achievement... It’s a way of loving ourselves. It’s the light at the end of the tunnel.” -- DLC adult GED® graduate

This year we return to the JB Duke Hotel to raise awareness and support for adult literacy.
Event Details:
17th Annual Leaders in Literacy Benefit
April 5, 2024
JB Duke Hotel
Durham, NC
With the support of committed sponsors like you, the Durham Literacy Center helps adults and out-of-school youth gain the skills and credentials they need to thrive in the workforce, obtain living wage employment, and achieve their professional and personal goals.
Thank you for supporting the Durham Literacy Center by becoming a 2024 Leaders in Literacy sponsor!
Contact Lizzie Ellis-Furlong, Executive Director, at 919-489-8383 ext. 22 or lizzie@durhamliteracy.org, if you would like to discuss your sponsorship.